Friday, August 30, 2013

Baccano Fanfic Review: Family Rites by karanguni

Fanart by chiart

I was never really a fan of the three Gandor brothers in Baccano, much preferring the antics of the more colorful members of the cast. Compared to the rest, these three seemed to be the only sane guys in the entire entourage. In fact, excluding their mortality and criminal roots, they seemed the most normal. Down to earth, even.

But that must be why they make this fic work.  

Simply put, this fic shows the dynamics of the Gandors as a family and how they cope together after the events of 1930 in the series’ timeline. Like mentioned in the fic’s introduction, one of them gets married, starts a family, all that stuff even men of the criminal underworld have the luxury of having. But they still have to put up with the consequences of living forever while the rest of the normal world couldn't.

Some of the other characters make brief appearances in this fic. That’s not to say they don’t do much either, since they always drop by to keep the brothers grounded when the changing world proves a little too much to handle. Oh, and Claire drops by every now and then, of course.

It’s all keeping it in the family alright. Even if one of the members in question is Claire batshit-crazy-insane Stanfield.

Oh, and if you read between the lines hard enough, you might even spot some slash between Luck and Claire. I’m no fan of yaoi and I’m not starting now or anytime soon, but I don’t really mind since that side-plot doesn’t overtake the rest of the story.

You can find the fic in either of these pages in livejournal:


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