Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fanfic Review: Local Man Finds His Arcade Turbotastic by Cadavatar

Fanart by *N-Y-C-fan

Fanfic Review: Local Man Finds His Arcade Turbotastic by Cadavatar

     I've grown up as a gamer. Heck, my entire childhood had been spent in front of a TV and game console. So when Wreck-It-Ralph had hit the theaters, I didn't think twice about watching it and torrenting the movie just to watch it again.
     Fanfics of it were expected too. No way something like this could not be fanfic material.
     This particular fic was on top of TVTrope's list of recommended fanfics of the film. In fact, there's a list of over a dozen people encouraging others to read it. Because: It's. That. Good.
     The fic explores and adds a backstory for Stan Litwak, the owner of the arcade where the story took place, giving him more personality and would-be history that doesn't stray too far from the source material. It traced how his arcade had started in the late 70's and how business flourished in the following decades, all the while conforming with the events in the movie. The author was even creative enough to expand on some parts hinted in the film (like, who was this "Nana" person he had mentioned in passing) without betraying the source material. But what really sells this fic was his reaction on finding out that his games and their characters had a life of their own.
     I like the treatment Litwak was given here, and I personally found the guy more relateable. Him being a fellow game-lover and all. That, and how he came to care for the arcade machines and the video game characters that he had 'worked with' all these years mirrors how I treat my own. Because there comes a time in a gamer's playthrough that, when we have invested so much time and effort in the games we play, we start to consider the characters in it as real as friends and family. That whatever story that we had to go through was one big bonding moment beginning to end. That kind of experience sticks with us even after the game over screen.
     That's the feeling this fic gives you after reading. I'm telling you, the same way the other tropers who've read this would tell you: the story's well-written, tru toe its source, and a must-read.

Here's the link:
Read. Enjoy :)

     There's an extra story after the main one. Shows how the game characters react to power outages, and how Litwak deals with that problem. It's just as good.


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