Monday, September 16, 2013

Wild Arms 3 Fanfic Review: The Birthday Boy Remains Unwilling by grey

Fanart by Innocentfate

This was one of the very first stories I've read when I first discovered, and also one of the first batches of fanfic printouts I've had. I'm sure I still have the copy somewhere in my house, and I wouldn't mind digging through my mess of files to read it again. Even after all these years the story is still a good read. It also had helped set my standards for fanfic-writing, and provided a speculative relationship subplot that the original material didn't bother to show.

Not that the latter problem stopped us.

Basically, the story is a lighthearted rom-com involving the only two main characters in the cast with a chance of shiptease but never got explored: Virginia Maxwell and Jet Enduro. She's upbeat and plucky, he's sulky and snarky. She's team leader, while he's the ineffective loner. She had brought the group together, while he gets convinced that it's better than going solo.

Oh, and they were separately sort-of raised by Virginia's absentee father at different points of their life. So yeah. Bonus points for that.

Opposites attract. That might as well be their charm. And their interactions - and often arguments - gives us some of the funny and heartwarming moments in the game.

Expect some more of those here. The story goes like this: Virginia decides to throw Jet his first birthday party because he never had one - by virtue of the guy not having been born (more like created). There's also a treasure map involved, some moldy cheese, and a bet that got ruined by a squirrel. Believe me, it'll make sense in context. And it is a lot better than it sounds.

In-character interactions, witty prose, and a well-written narrative. What's not to like?

Check out the story here:

Happy reading :)

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