Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Song of Ice and Fire Fanfic Review: Neither Wolves Nor Dragons by L_Cloudy

Fanart by MARYMARU

If there is one thing that the A Song of Ice and Fire series (better known as the Game of Thrones for the people who prefer TV) had taught me, it’s that convenience is boring. After seeing the unforgiving and unfavoring brand of realism the series is notorious for, I’ve started to feel that whatever story development that seems too easy and too good to be true would be too ridiculous to believe. Much less accept.

I’m guessing it’s a sign that my taste in media has started to mature. I now have this preference for a sense of realism in whatever story I read.  Some scenario that’s not too good to be true but not too hard to believe, but enough to convince me that something like this is still likely to happen in the real world.

This is why I often try to find stories that show me that even good things – believably good things – can still happen. Even in a crapsack world such as Westeros.

That was how I found this story. This fic is part of a series of what-if? stories set in the world of the series where it answers one basic question: what if Rhaegar Targaryen had won against the rebellion? Well, for starters, everyone seems better off. But, of course, this is still Westeros and there will always be downsides: the Mad King is still alive (but locked away somewhere while his son is effectively king in all but name), some people are still dead (some of whom we won’t miss though *cough*Robert*cough*), and (according to the other stories set in the same timeline) Cersei is still a bitch.

This story is told from the perspective of the eldest Stark daughter, Sansa, who in this universe is less spoiled but still a bit of a brat, as she and her family are called back from exile in Braavos and make their way back to a home they never knew: Winterfell.

This might be living proof why the author, George R.R. Martin, has a disdain for fanfiction. Whatever scenario I’ve just described to you is pretty much just product of wishful thinking, which runs contrary to how the narrative causality of the world of Ice and Fire works. Like I've said, too good to be true (if you're still naive enough not notice the implied political-hostage situation).

But given the original material it’s based on, this fic comes as a much needed breath of fresh air.

You can read the fic itself here:

Enjoy :)