Monday, March 31, 2014

Kill La Kill Comic Strip Review: Gamagori x Mako Wedding by 洗面きぬ子

Fanart by 洗面きぬ子
(however that is pronounced)

So me and my sister had just finished Kill la Kill and we were both hooked by the MakoxGamagoori pairing. We weren't expecting it at first, but it really grew on us. The way the hints and the shiptease just built episode by episode just enough to get our interest until we were ready to invest.

So we were glad - relieved, actually - that the predictions of Mako dying before the show ends did not pull through. All thanks to Gamagoori taking the bullet for her in the last episode. Though all we got was the hint of a future date or courtship between the two in the ending credits, that doesn't stop a lot of artists thinking up ways how that would happen.

This one just skipped right into the wedding. And it was one of the best and most beautiful fanart dedicated to the two we've ever found.

The original material could be found here:

but you could find copies of the translated version floating around in Thumblr if you google-search "Mako-Gamagori wedding". Just click whoever is following the thread and join in the fun. 

Enjoy :)

How to Train Your Dragon Fanfic Review: Crossing The Line by The Antic Repartee / Avannak

Fanart by the author

This month of April has got something to look forward to. I waited almost a year to see this ever since I first saw the trailer: the sequel to How To Train Your Dragon. Finally, something to overtake the overused Frozen memes and fads.

No offense to Disney's latest entry, but I want something a little new and different for this summer. Last winter season may have been the Ice Queen's time, but this summer will belong to the dragons.

A lot of fanfics had been made expanding the HTTYD world, and some of them delved into the future of the characters after the movie. I've seen plenty of them, but this one goes into such detail about the Viking culture that was absent in most and the social impact of having dragons as pets. Because there is one fact that we can easily forget when we see the main cast: they maybe child-friendly Vikings, but they are still Vikings. Vikings on dragons.

Anyone who knows their history and culture - their warrior culture - should get an idea where this is going. So basically, this fic explores what would happen in the HTTYD world when actual Viking culture is applied. When old rivalries with other clans are in effect, the troubles of adjusting into a new life felt, and the idea of going to war on the backs of dragons is tempting... Yeah, it gets a whole lot more complicated.

It also explores the dynamics of the relationship between Hiccup and Astrid, as well as what would happen when include one more person from the books into the equation. It's more mature and realistic in its portrayal, as well as justified in its developments.

I haven't read the books myself, but there are several elements from there incorporated into the story. Such as the characters of Berk identifying themselves as Hooligans, and the introduction of other characters not included in the movie but are present in the books. Anyone who had tried both might get a kick in this; but for someone like me who was only familiar with the movie, I had reeled from the fact that there's a third wheel in the pairing.

It's still a good read, despite the unfamiliar elements. It's from the same author who gave us Hitchups, The Antic Repartee or Avannak, so it is worth it.

You can read it here:
and here:

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Avengers Movieverse Fanfic Review: The Photograph by sam_storyteller

Fanart by Res-Gestae

I know what a crack fic is. I've seen and read crack. I've had crack. But this. This is too well done to be just labeled crack.

Here's the situation: set after the big damn movie, Tony Stark gathers the team to live in the newly-rebuilt Avengers Tower. Seems to be all fine, at first. But for all smarts that our millionaire-genius-playboy-philanthropist was supposed to have, he never had the experience of dealing with roomies. Until now.

Especially when Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America - of all people - inadvertently turned the place into a nudist colony while cooking breakfast.

By all rights, Tony . He'd seen a lot of people naked. He might even like to see a few select number of people naked - female ones, anyway. But there's something about seeing a butt-naked Thor that makes even him want to back away. That, and Hawkeye in superhero underwear.

And all it took was a routine fire drill to get some sense back into everyone's heads.

Want to know how things escalated so quickly? Check this link to find out:

Enjoy ^_^

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Song of Ice and Fire Fanfic Review: Neither Wolves Nor Dragons by L_Cloudy

Fanart by MARYMARU

If there is one thing that the A Song of Ice and Fire series (better known as the Game of Thrones for the people who prefer TV) had taught me, it’s that convenience is boring. After seeing the unforgiving and unfavoring brand of realism the series is notorious for, I’ve started to feel that whatever story development that seems too easy and too good to be true would be too ridiculous to believe. Much less accept.

I’m guessing it’s a sign that my taste in media has started to mature. I now have this preference for a sense of realism in whatever story I read.  Some scenario that’s not too good to be true but not too hard to believe, but enough to convince me that something like this is still likely to happen in the real world.

This is why I often try to find stories that show me that even good things – believably good things – can still happen. Even in a crapsack world such as Westeros.

That was how I found this story. This fic is part of a series of what-if? stories set in the world of the series where it answers one basic question: what if Rhaegar Targaryen had won against the rebellion? Well, for starters, everyone seems better off. But, of course, this is still Westeros and there will always be downsides: the Mad King is still alive (but locked away somewhere while his son is effectively king in all but name), some people are still dead (some of whom we won’t miss though *cough*Robert*cough*), and (according to the other stories set in the same timeline) Cersei is still a bitch.

This story is told from the perspective of the eldest Stark daughter, Sansa, who in this universe is less spoiled but still a bit of a brat, as she and her family are called back from exile in Braavos and make their way back to a home they never knew: Winterfell.

This might be living proof why the author, George R.R. Martin, has a disdain for fanfiction. Whatever scenario I’ve just described to you is pretty much just product of wishful thinking, which runs contrary to how the narrative causality of the world of Ice and Fire works. Like I've said, too good to be true (if you're still naive enough not notice the implied political-hostage situation).

But given the original material it’s based on, this fic comes as a much needed breath of fresh air.

You can read the fic itself here:

Enjoy :)