Saturday, December 14, 2013

Frozen & Rise of the Guardians Crossover Fanfic Review: To Thaw a Heart by justcallmefaye

Fanart by Queen-of--Snow

My interest in this crossover pairing started from having watched their respective movies within the same weekend. I've finished torrenting Rise of the Guardians just in time Frozen came out in theaters, and me and my sister both had that what-if? scenario that might as well be a eureka moment for fanfic writers.

Jack Frost and Elsa? Sure, why not.

The thing is, the idea for the pairing is only just recent and though there already are plenty of fanart of the two popping up online, there is still the issue of finding any decent fanfics of them.

But I think I've found one that's maybe up to par.

Just a little something short, sweet. Nothing fancy, nothing too deep. But written in a way that could work in each other's canon. This fic gives us a scenario how these two would interact before and after the events of Frozen. Loneliness and ice powers are what Jack and Elsa both have in common, so why not let them bond with it. Besides, their fanbase had already run with it as a good starting point.

You can check the fic itself here:
Enjoy :)

Finally had time to post a new one. After weeks, months of adjusting to my new workload, I managed to fight off writer's block to get this done before the end of the year. I hope this would help me get back in stride.